Chicken Cordon Bleu with Cream Sauce

Ingredients: (serves 1)

  • Olive Oil (at least 1-2 tbsp)

  • 4 Tbsp of Salted Butter

  • 1 Boneless Chicken Breast (add another chicken breast with ham and cheese if making for multiple people)

  • 2 slices of Deli Ham

  • 2 -3 toothpicks to secure the chicken

    Breadcrumb Mix

  • 1/2 cup large Breadcrumbs

  • 1/2 cup fine Breadcrumbs

    (alternatively you can just use a 1 cup of Panko)

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp pepper

  • 1/2 tsp sweet paprika

  • 1 Tbsp of grated Parmesan cheese (I add this at camp)

    Cream Sauce

  • 1 Tbsp of grated Parmesan cheese

  • 1 Tbsp of salted butter

  • 50-100 ml chicken stock (you just need enough to cover the bottom of your pan to steam the chicken)

  • 50-100 ml of heavy cream (depends on how much chicken stock you use) I used only around 50 ml in the video

  • 1-2 tsp Dijon Mustard (depends on how spicy the dijon mustard and how much chicken stock and cream you use)

  • 1 Tbsp parsley, roughly chopped

  • salt and papper to taste

Kit Needed:

1 pan (at least 7-8 in) or bowl large enough to cook a chicken breast, 1 plate or bowl large enough to hold the melted butter and coat the chicken, stove, spatula, spoon, small tongs to hold the raw chicken, cutting board, 2 plastic sandwich bags (large enough to fit the chicken breast)

Packing Tips:

Prepare the chicken the night before you leave. The chicken will then thaw throughout your hike. I also freeze the butter, a small bottle of the chicken stock, and a small bottle of the heavy cream. I prepare the breadcrumb mixture (everything except the Parmesan cheese) and place that into a large sandwich bag big enough to hold the chicken breast for coating. To carry the mustard I squeeze a small amount onto a square of kitchen cling film and then fold it into a small square for transport. Everything then goes into a large ziplock bag (this does get reused often if it is not used as a garbage bag)


Preparing the chicken:

  1. Slice a chicken breast “nearly” in half and open the chicken breast like you would a book. Cover the breast in cling film and beat it until it is thin without breaking the chicken apart.

  2. Once thin, add 1-2 slices of deli ham and then 1-2 slices of Swiss cheese. 1 slice of ham and cheese is enough but if the chicken breast is large I sometimes use 2.

  3. Fold the chicken back into its original shape wrapping the cheese and ham inside. Secure with toothpicks and place the chicken into a ziplock bag. If camping I will then place this into the freezer and remove it on the day of my camp.

    Preparing the Breadcrumbs:

  4. Combine all the breadcrumb mixture ingredients (everything except for the parmesan cheese … I like to add this at camp) into a ziplock bag large enough to hold your chicken breast. As you can see in the ingredients I use two different sized breadcrumbs. Alternatively you can just use panko.

    Note* At camp I add the Parmesan cheese to this mixture before adding the chicken. This prevents the cheese from adding moisture to the breadcrumb mixture. Once added, the chicken is then placed into the bag and I just shake to coat. This saves me from having to bring a separate bowl or plate.

    Cooking the chicken and making the sauce at camp

  5. Start by heating your butter in a small bowl or plate. I like to use 4 Tbsp of butter so I can easily coat the chicken. I then use a tablespoon of the remain butter to cook the chicken.

  6. While the butter is melting add a tablespoon of the Parmesan cheese to your breadcrumb mix

  7. Using your tongs add your chicken to the bowl/plate of butter, coating both sides. Once coated now add it to the bag containing your breadcrumb mixture. Seal and shake the bag to coat the chicken in breadcrumbs.

  8. In a separate pan or bowl add 1 tbsp of the melted butter and 1 tsp of olive oil. Place your stove on medium to medium high heat.

  9. Add the coated chicken breast to your pan. Cook each side until golden brown in color. Be careful when flipping the chicken so that you do not scrape off any of the breadcrumbs. (I accidentally did this at camp with my tongs)

  10. Once golden brown on each side, add the chicken stock to the base of your pan. Use just enough to cover the bottom of your pan. Cover and cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes.

  11. Once cooked through, remove the chicken from the pan and set aside.

  12. With the remaining chicken stock in the pan, we are now going to make the cream sauce. To the pan add the dijon mustard, cream, parsley, and Parmesan cheese. Stir until the sauce thickens. Salt and pepper to taste.

    Note* The amount of mustard and heavy cream may vary depending on the size of the pan you are using. Adjust appropriately. On my camp I used a very small bowl to cook the chicken so I did not need to use very much chicken stock to coat the bottom of the pan. Therefore I only needed around 60ml of cream to achieve the desired color and taste of the sauce.

  13. Remove the toothpicks from your chicken breast and slice the chicken into rounds. Drizzle with your cream sauce and you're ready to eat. I like to serve this with asparagus as I did in the video. Hope you enjoy!

Condensed Cooking Video Coming Soon!

Full YouTube video of this camp below. I start cooking 28 min into the video.