Summit Skillet Pizza

Ingredients: (Two 8 inch pizzas)

  • 1 cup Grated Mozzarella cheese (or whichever cheese you prefer on your pizza)

  • 1/2 cup Pizza sauce / Marinara (you can make your own or just use your favorite store bought sauce)

  • Pepperoni slices (amount depends on you)

  • 1 tsp Extra virgin Olive oil

  • Basil

  • 2 Flatbreads that are roughly 8 inches (my personal favorite are roasted garlic flatbreads)

  • * and any other topping you would like to add to your pizza!

Kit Needed:

To successfully make this pizza you will need a GOOD nonstick skillet! I highly recommend any skillet that has a ceramic coating. In my experience, these work the best. My personal favorite is JetBoil Summit Skillet (can be found in the cooking gear section of this site). Nothing sticks to it and it works perfectly for making these personal sized pizzas! The size of the skillet used will need to be around 8 inches if you are going to use flatbreads as your pizza base that are also around 8 inches.

You will also need a cutting board or plate of around the same size to flip the pizzas and cut them.

Other items: spoon, spatula, and your preferred camping gas stove. I prefer using a gas stove for this recipe because it allows me to quickly adjust the heat while cooking. (very useful if making these with kids)

Packing Tips:

I like to keep a small frozen water bottle next to the cheese in my food bag if it’s going to be a particularly long hike in warm weather.


When making these pizzas in your skillet you are going to be building them in reverse. For this reason, these pizzas are sometimes called Upside-Down pizzas. This is why having a good nonstick pan is so important! For this recipe I am going to be describing how I would prepare a simple cheese and pepperoni pizza. You can modify and add any other ingredients you would like. Just remember you are building this pizza in reverse so everything you put in the pan first will be at the very top of your pizza!

  1. Turn your camp stove to its medium heat setting and add a small drizzle of olive oil to your pan. If you don’t trust that your pan is truly nonstick you might want to add a little more.

    Note: You can make these pizzas with your stove turned to a higher heat just keep in mind you will then need to build your pizzas faster so they don’t burn. I like to use a lower heat when making these with my kids. This gives them a bit more time to add their toppings and sauce.

  2. Once the oil is heated add the pepperonis to the skillet. Place them however you would like them arranged on your pizza. (my son likes to try and make a smiley face with his pepperonis!). As they begin to cook, they may start moving around a bit so you may have to use a spoon or spatula to adjust their position. At this point you can also add any other ingredients or topping you would like to have on your pizza.

    Remember: We are building the entire pizza in the reverse order.

  3. As the pepperonis cook, the edges will begin to crisp and curl. Now it’s time to add the mozzarella cheese. I usually add around a 1/2 cup of cheese for an 8 inch pizza. I believe less is more when it comes to adding cheese to a pizza. (Too much and it may become a bit messy when cutting and eating.)

  4. Let the cheese begin to melt. When the cheese has almost melted it’s time to add your sauce. Like the cheese, don’t add too much sauce to your pizza! Normally I will use around 2-3 tbsp at most. Add the sauce and try to spread it evenly over the cheese without moving the cheese around the pan. You don’t want to move all your toppings to just one side of your pizza.

  5. Now it’s time to add your flatbread or whichever pizza bread you are choosing to use. Top the sauce and cheese with your flatbread and gently press it down. Let cook for another 1-2 minutes before its time to flip. (this time will also depends on how high you have the heat on your stove!) If you think the cheese or your toppings are already starting to burn go ahead and move to the next step.

  6. Time to flip your pizza! Take your plate or cutting board and place it on top of the flatbread. I use a small circular cutting board that fits perfectly against the flatbread and does not come in contact with the skillet. If you are using something larger like a plate, keep in mind you don’t want to hold it too long against your skillet as you may melt or burn whatever you are using. Holding the cutting board/plate firmly against the flatbread quickly flip the pizza onto your cutting board/ plate.

  7. Hopefully you are now looking at your beautifully cooked pizza! Now it’s time to create that nice crust on the base of your pizza. Place the skillet back on the stove and slide your pizza back into the skillet bread sized down. Now cook the pizza occasionally lifting the edge to make sure you are not burning the base of your pizza.

  8. Once you are happy with your pizza crust, slide your pizza onto a cutting board, slice and enjoy. I like to also add a little fresh basil to the top of the pizza my pizza for garnish. Enjoy!

Watch the video below to see how I cooked this on one of my camps!

Full YouTube Video of this camp